Athens Housing Authority Lease Revision
During the Board of Commissioners meeting on March 26, 2015, a revision to the current Athens Housing Authority lease was approved. The Lease was rewritten to reduce repetitive or redundant language in order to make the document easier to read. Some changes reflect a change in HUD regulation and AHA policy.

Residents are invited to submit written comments regarding the revised Lease agreement by Thursday, April 30, 2015. Comments should be mailed to the Director of Operations, Athens Housing Authority, P.O. Box 1469, Athens, Georgia 30603-1469 or hand-delivered to the Director of Operations, at the administrative offices located at 300 S. Rocksprings Street. All comments received will be reviewed and maintained on file. Unless significant comments are received by the above date, this Lease revision will be effective May 1, 2015. Soon after, you will receive further information from us regarding the process for your family’s execution of the new Lease which must be completed by July 1, 2015.

To review the revised lease and the letter of notice outlining the changes, please click on the file attachments listed below to view.